Matrimonial Agreement NZ: What You Need to Know

Marriage is an exciting time in anyone`s life. Two people pledging to spend the rest of their lives together is a beautiful thing. However, as much as we would like to think that love is enough, the reality is that sometimes marriages do not last. That is why many couples choose to sign a matrimonial agreement (also known as a prenuptial agreement) in New Zealand. In this article, we will go over what a matrimonial agreement is, why you might want one, and how to get one in NZ.

What is a Matrimonial Agreement?

A matrimonial agreement is a legally binding document that outlines how the assets and liabilities of a couple will be divided in the event of a divorce or separation. It is a contract that sets out the terms of the division of property, debts, and other assets if the marriage ends in divorce. It is important to note that a matrimonial agreement only pertains to the couple`s financial matters and not child-related issues such as child support or custody arrangements.

Why You Might Want a Matrimonial Agreement

There are many reasons why couples choose to sign a matrimonial agreement. One of the most common reasons is to protect assets that were acquired before the marriage. For example, if one partner owns a property before the marriage and they want to ensure that it remains their sole property in the event of a divorce, they can include that in the agreement. Additionally, a matrimonial agreement can help prevent lengthy and expensive legal battles in the event of a divorce or separation.

How to Get a Matrimonial Agreement in NZ

If you are considering a matrimonial agreement, it is essential to seek the advice of a family lawyer to ensure that the agreement is legally binding and comprehensive. The lawyer will help you draft the agreement, review it, and make sure that it is in compliance with the laws of New Zealand. Once the agreement is signed, it will be enforceable in court should the need arise.

In Conclusion

A matrimonial agreement can be a valuable tool for couples in New Zealand who want to protect their assets and avoid long, drawn-out legal battles in the event of a divorce or separation. If you are considering a matrimonial agreement, it is important to seek the advice of a family lawyer who can ensure that the agreement is legally binding and comprehensive. With the right legal guidance, you can have peace of mind knowing that your financial matters are protected should the worst happen.